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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

No Fear of Bad News

I receive a daily devotional from Turning Point Ministries every morning. This morning's email, No Fear of Bad News (click here), really spoke to me, so I wanted to share it with you. I rarely watch the evening news as I think it should be labeled "Bad News" rather than just "News", but this verse (Psalm 112:7) is such a powerful reminder of Whose news we should trust. Enjoy...


Sharon Lynne said...

Thank you for sharing your devotion and Psalm 112. What encouraging and inspiring news--to know that "in the end" we "will look in triumph" on our foes

I'm struggling to learn to trust God in all circumstances--even when things seem to be going in a backwards direction. God has surprised me more than once recently—and brought a good thing out of a bad situation.

Anonymous said...

Nice to meet you in this blogging world. God bless...
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